This is one way to make body mounts for an AFX chassis. I am sure there are many other ways, but for my purposes this seems to work best for me.
As most of you know, with AFX Chassis, the tabs on either side of the chassis are used to mount the chassis under the body.
I use the .100 X .100 square styrene strips to make the mounts because the dimension of the styrene will work with the thickness of the tabs on the AFX chassis.
I use the following tools to cut the styrene strips that I need.
Once the strips are cut, I use tweezers to clamp the styrene together much like you clamp boards together when gluing. Make sure yu measure so the spaces match the width of the tabs on the chassis. The thickness of the styrene will match pretty close to the thickness of the chassis tabs. This way you only have to really worry about getting one measurement correct when gluing.
I use Plastruct Plastic Weld to glue everything up.
Once it has set, usually overnight, I will then make three or four cuts depending on what overall width I need for the body mount. The picture below is of the individual mounts after I make my cuts.
Mounts glued to the body... notice the taper on the bottom... helps when attaching the chassis.
Also notice the taper on the front of the mounts. This allows the body to be attached to an Aurora AFX and also an Autoworld (AW) chassis
Body mounted.
As I said in the beginning, I am sure there are many more ways to make these mounts. Good Luck!!