I was cruising around the webbernet and came across this picture of a 55 Chevy Stocker. I really liked the lines, stance, and overall looks of the car. It was the inspiration for this build.
I started with a Johnny Lightning 55 Chevy roll back.
I then put it in a alcohol bath to strip the finish.
After the paint was stripped, I started shaving the door handles, chrome, tail lights, and license plate.
In addition I started opening up the wheel wells so the car can be lowered.
Body mounted front and rear finished... design work done. Now it's time for sanding polishing and getting it ready to finish.
Created the molds and started to resin cast this body. A couple of notes... the mounting tabs creates significant undercuts in the mold. This greatly reduces the mold life before tearing. Will need to work on this to improve the mold life and therefore increasing the number of casts.
Got the car primed and the base white color on. Now is time to tape the car off in preparation for the two tone colors.
Now that the car is taped off it's time to add the orange color.